Digital Innovation for Development in Africa Online Platform

UK Research and Innovation are opening an online discussion platform to collect thoughts and ideas to help shape research in digital innovation for development across Africa. This Platform will allow sharing of thoughts on issues and challenges faced by people living in Africa to determine where digital solutions could have the biggest impacts. From undemocratic elections, infectious diseases, lack of access to education, to global warming, we want to realise the challenges faced by communities across Africa and consider the potential value digital research and innovation.
The platform will create an online community that will engage and connect local actors, researchers, entrepreneurs, charities, etc., and allow users to exchange ideas and expertise. The ideas gathered from this Platform will be collated and used to shape future UKRI spending activities under the Global Challenge Research Fund. Thoughts collected on the challenges and potential for digital innovation to solve these will provide recommendations for research and innovation in these areas to make progress in addressing these challenges.
To express your interest in joining this platform, please complete this Survey
Expressions of Interest to join the online platform will close at 16:00 BST 19th October 2018. After this, users will be selected and notified from the expressions of interest. Please note, there is a limited number of users permitted to use the online platform, therefore, by completing the survey, you will not be guaranteed an invitation to use the platform.
For further information, please contact