Coordinating animal health research globally to accelerate delivery of disease control tools and strategies

STAR-IDAZ International Research Consortium on Animal Health (IRC).

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  • You are invited to participate in an online webinar: Beyond borders: vaccines, livestock health and global food security in a changing climate. Join us to learn from experts who have been researching ways to improve the health of animals and livelihoods of smallholder farmers through livestock vaccine solutions in Africa and Asia with the support […]
  • Please say hello to Valeria, Latifa, Johannes and Georgina at our STAR-IDAZ stand at the 91st General Session of the World Assembly of Delegates in Paris!
  • STAR-IDAZ IRC announce a scientific workshop on Tick Vaccines. This will take place on: Monday 17 June 2024(9 am – 4 pm)Sala Coral, Rebouças Convention Centre, São Paulo, Brazil Registration is free but need to register before 10th of June 2024 here: The aim is to share experiences on livestock tick control and share recent […]