Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases 2020
Application deadline: 17:00 (GMT) 18 November 2020
UKRI (BBSRC, ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and NERC), in collaboration with:
• National Science Foundation (NSF),
• National Institutes of Health (NIH),
• S. Department of Agriculture (USDA),
• United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation, and
• National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),
are pleased to announce a call for international partnerships involving researchers from the UK, and US, China and/or Israel under the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases programme (EEID).
The funders wish to encourage high quality, innovative research conducted by transdisciplinary teams of researchers on the ecological, evolutionary, and social drivers that influence the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases of animals, humans and plants. The central theme of submitted projects must be the quantitative or computational understanding of pathogen transmission dynamics.
The collaborative proposals must include researchers from the UK and the US and can include researchers from Israel and China. Applications for both research projects and Research Coordination Networks that involve researchers from the UK and US, China and/or Israel will be considered.
Further information on the scope of the call and how to apply can be found on the NSF website.
More info available on the BBSRC webpage.