ERA-NET ICRAD co-funded Call on infectious animal diseases

The first international Call on infectious animal diseases of the ERA-NET Cofund on International Coordination of Research on Infectious Animal Diseases (ICRAD) is open.

ERA-NET ICRAD builds on the successful work of two predecessor ERA-NETs (EMIDA and ANIHWA) and the global network of animal health STAR-IDAZ under Framework Programme 7 (FP7).

The main purpose of this Call, co-funded with the European Commission (EC), is to support multi-disciplinary research to improve animal health and welfare, addressing some of the key epidemic and (re)-emerging threats e.g. African Swine Fever and Animal Influenza, and developing novel detection and intervention strategies.

Consortia must include a minimum of 3 independent entities from a minimum of 3 different countries being eligible and requesting funding from EU Member States, Associated Countries or Regions participating in the co-funded call and a maximum of 6 independent entities. The consortium cannot include more than two partners from one country.