ICRAD: One Health Approach to Zoonoses Research and Innovation. Pre-announcement call for transnational collaborative research projects.

The objective of this funding call is to increase preparedness and improve the ability to respond to (re)-emerging zoonotic disease threats and contribute to improved animal and public health. This will be done through studies focusing on (re)-emergence of pathogens with zoonotic potential, understanding animal host-pathogen interactions and the immune response, and by developing detection and prevention platforms.

The pre-proposals should address one of the following research areas:

Improved understanding of animal-human-environment interface
– Pathogen (Re)-Emergence and Host Adaptation
– Host/Pathogen Interactions
Detection and Prevention
– Vaccine Technology Platforms
– Diagnostic Technology Platforms
The research funded through this call is to improve health of livestock, therefore, research that mainly focuses on the below are not in scope of the call and are excluded: improving human health; AMR; companion animals; climate/ecology/environment; food-borne pathogens; animal welfare

The International Coordination of Research on Infectious Animal Diseases (ICRAD) is an ERANet
under Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement NR.862605).

The full call announcement will be published on 1st of October 2021 at: http://www.submission-icrad.eu.

Details can be seen here: https://www.icrad.eu/calls/pre-announcement/