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Organisational Structure

The STAR IDAZ IRC is governed through an Executive Committee, Scientific Committees and working groups, supported by a secretariat (SIRCAH).

The organisational structure is illustrated below:


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee includes one representative per funding body (public, charity, animal health private sector), WOAH, the Scientific Committee Chair and the STAR-IDAZ Chairperson.

The Executive Committee coordinates research funding strategies to address identified research priorities such as those identified by the Scientific Committee.

Members of this Committee should promote support for STAR-IDAZ IRC objectives from the livestock and animal health industries and services and the wider donor community.

The Executive Committee meets twice a year.

Scientific Committee

Members of the STAR IDAZ IRC Scientific Committee advise the Executive Committee on research priorities and progress made from a scientific viewpoint.

The Scientific Committee is composed of approximately 16 members with a balanced expertise and representation from academia, livestock and animal health industry, and risk assessment and regulatory bodies. Scientific Committee members are appointed by the Executive Committee from a list of candidates nominated by:

  • Funding bodies represented in the Executive Committee
  • Industry organisations representing the livestock and animal health industries.

Working Groups

The working groups are established based on STAR IDAZ IRC prioritise. They are composed of experts within the scientific domain of the working group, including representatives from funded projects that contribute to STAR IDAZ IRC, additional experts and representatives of livestock industries and other stakeholders that are nominated by the Executive Committee or the Scientific Committee.

The working groups conduct gap analyses and contribute to the development of the research roadmaps.

Secretariat for the International Research Consortium on Animal Health (SIRCAH)

The IRC secretariat (SIRCAH) provides organisational and communication support to STAR IDAZ IRC and its various members and thereby contribute to the IRC policies and guidelines aimed at coordinating research at international level to contribute to new and improved animal health strategies.

SIRCAH is funded by the European Commission through Horizon 2020 and is run by a partnership including Defra (UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), CAB International (CABI), UKRI-BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council), and Kreavet.

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