Tag: ticks

STAR-IDAZ IRC Workshop: Shaping the Future of Livestock Tick Vaccines

STAR-IDAZ IRC announce a scientific workshop on Tick Vaccines. This will take place on: Monday 17 June 2024(9 am – 4 pm)Sala Coral, Rebouças Convention Centre, São Paulo, Brazil Registration is free but need to register before 10th of June 2024 here:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTpMbbFw5PCC940KmYvuO1WBIE7pEzOi6iyfulM19q57OS1g/viewform?usp=sf_link The aim is to share experiences on livestock tick control and share recent […]

Integration of livestock and wildlife may reduce the abundance of ticks in East Africa

A study, reported in the journal Nature Sustainability, has found that the integration of livestock and wildlife in a large region of central Kenya (Laikipia County) can have ecological benefits, reducing the abundance of ticks and improving forage. “Laikipia County hosts 10 percent of Kenya’s wildlife, but none of the country’s national parks or preserves,” […]