Category: News

LVIF Beyond borders: vaccines, livestock health and global food security in a changing climate Webinar

You are invited to participate in an online webinar: Beyond borders: vaccines, livestock health and global food security in a changing climate. Join us to learn from experts who have been researching ways to improve the health of animals and livelihoods of smallholder farmers through livestock vaccine solutions in Africa and Asia with the support […]

STAR-IDAZ invited to the WOAH General Assembly

Please say hello to Valeria, Latifa, Johannes and Georgina at our STAR-IDAZ stand at the 91st General Session of the World Assembly of Delegates in Paris!

STAR-IDAZ IRC Workshop: Shaping the Future of Livestock Tick Vaccines

STAR-IDAZ IRC announce a scientific workshop on Tick Vaccines. This will take place on: Monday 17 June 2024(9 am – 4 pm)Sala Coral, Rebouças Convention Centre, São Paulo, Brazil Registration is free but need to register before 10th of June 2024 here: The aim is to share experiences on livestock tick control and share recent […]

Innovating Alternatives Podcast

Innovating Alternatives Podcast | IDRC – International Development Research Centre ( Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing problem that threatens our ability to effectively treat bacterial infections in humans and animals. The widespread use of antimicrobials in animals reared for food production can exacerbate the emergence of treatment-resistant microorganisms in food systems, which threatens global […]

Novel antimicrobial agent shows potential to treat avian colibacillosis

An international team of researchers led by the University of Surrey has investigated the effectiveness of a metal-derived complex in treating avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC), the cause of avian colibacillosis. Their findings are reported in Veterinary Microbiology. Avian colibacillosis is a serious respiratory and systemic disease of poultry, resulting in animal welfare issues and […]

Gene-editing technology produces calf with reduced susceptibility to a viral pathogen

A proof-of-concept study by U.S. researchers provides the first example of gene editing in cattle to reduce the impact of a major viral disease. Researchers from USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) and the University of Kentucky, collaborated with industry partners, Acceligen and Recombinetics, Inc., to produce a calf with resistance […]

Reports turn spotlight on animal influenza

The report of the three STAR-IDAZ workshops to develop research roadmaps for control strategies, diagnostics and vaccine development for influenza is now available (Report of the STAR-IDAZ workshops on influenza research roadmaps development). High priority research Research on influenza is a high priority  topic for the STAR-IDAZ IRC, which aims to speed up the delivery of […]

Study compares immune response of different bird species to avian influenza viruses

Researchers at the Roslin Institute have identified immune processes and key genes that may play a part in how various bird species respond to infection with avian influenza viruses. They hope the outcomes from their study, published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, may help inform development of commercial poultry that are resistant to […]

Feedlot sampling uncovers neglected gene involved in antimicrobial resistance

Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan have discovered how a previously overlooked gene is involved in antimicrobial resistance. The antimicrobial resistance gene (ARG) encodes for an α/β-hydrolase, named EstT, capable of inactivating macrolide antibiotics commonly used to treat livestock diseases. The findings are published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The research […]

Highly pathogenic avian influenza in mammals

Avian influenza caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses, notably H5N1, has been causing global concern due to the unprecedented number of outbreaks since October 2021. As well as having a devastating impact on poultry farming, the spread of HPAI viruses to new geographical areas, wild bird die-offs, transmission to sea and land mammals, […]