Breed-dependent immune responses to Newcastle disease virus identified

An international team of scientists, led by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, have identified genes they hope could help create chickens more resilient to Newcastle disease virus (NDV).

The researchers used a chick embryo model to study innate immune responses of inbred sublines of Fayoumi and Leghorn breeds, known to differ in susceptibility to NDV.

The results of the study, published in Scientific Reports, suggest breed- and subline-dependent expression of innate immune genes that may serve as genetic markers associated with reduced susceptibility to NDV.

The researchers say, “This study provides a framework for future efforts to improve the health and productivity of chickens through genetic selection for reduced susceptibility to NDV and other major diseases, particularly in low- and middle-income countries where NDV remains endemic and continues to represent a major threat.”

Article: Schilling, M.A., Memari, S., Cavanaugh, M., Katani, R., Deist, M.S., Radzio-Basu, J., Lamont, S.J., Buza, J.J., Kapur, V. (2019). Conserved, breed-dependent, and subline-dependent innate immune responses of Fayoumi and Leghorn chicken embryos to Newcastle disease virus infection. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 7209, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43483-1

[SOURCE: Pennsylvania State University]