Platform technologies in veterinary vaccinology – review.

A review commissioned by STAR-IDAZ IRC on vaccine platforms has been published in the journal Vaccine ( Vaccine platforms provide exciting opportunities to speed up the delivery of new vaccines particularly in the response to new and emerging diseases.

The paper, Applications of platform technologies in veterinary vaccinology and the benefits for one health, was written by Gary Entrican, (Roslin Institute), and Mike Francis (BioVacc Consulting Ltd). The idea for the review emerged from a workshop on vaccine platforms, organized by STAR-IDAZ IRC in 2021. The international workshop identified the need for a review of current platform technologies, taking a One-Health approach to share knowledge from the human and animal health worlds. The review covers the key technological advances that have historically underpinned vaccine design, sets out the definition of vaccine platform technologies and discusses them in the context of veterinary vaccinology and the global One Health agenda.

The paper is open access: Entrican, G., Francis, M. J. Applications of platform technologies in veterinary vaccinology and the benefits for one health, Vaccine, April, 2022, .